Friday, March 05, 2010

Week 2

The Rush :

                 "Oops, I missed"

                  "Hey, I am the first"

                - two different expressions from Mr.131. The first, just now and the second 30 minutes before.The second, his usual, drew the attention of all in the compartment. But the first statement made this evening a special one.

                 Everyday we both switch over from park station to central suburban station to reach the home. In that time Mr.131 use to take an unannounced marathon with the co-walkers. He pulls,pushes and makes all the necessary things, to get a seat in the compartment next to the engine. If the seats were enough occupied, he don't even mind in asking them to adjust a seat for him. After all, he yells directly at me when I enter the compartment, "Hey, I am the first".

                 The rush towards getting and telling, "Take the straight after the bend".

                 To be clear, I am against the rush and not the urge.

                 If you really in urge to get the thing, first ask a question to yourself, "Is that all I want?". Just realize once again"Do I need to go?". Keep your pre-assumed, pre-judged ways aside. Make your mind empty. Not even a drop in the cup. No hesitation. No melodrama.Feel free and wait peacefully to get the answer "Take the straight after the bend".

                 Then for the people with the urge to answer, "Take the straight after the bend". Remember, no one is there to accuse you for the delayed answers. Even it is not bad, to say "Sorry, I don't know". Superior thinking invites troubles. Comfort yourself with the question, just thing logically, no problem, take some time. Rest in peace and answer "Take the straight after the bend".

                 Just in short, rest in peace before getting or answering, "Take the straight after the bend".

                  I hope, all are eager to know about the thing happen to Mr.131.

                 Mr.131 was fine and good upto our destination station. When we reached our station, we were visited by a couple of ticket checkers.

                 "Oops, I missed", Mr.131 in a depressed voice. You guessed right. In his rush, Mr.131 paid the ticket and missed it in the ticket counter.

                  But no harm happened. As I came after him, I collected his ticket too.

                  I hope he never again yells at the compartment "Hey, I am the first"

Meet you next week
PT- Parallel thinker

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