Friday, July 16, 2010

Week 5

Stress and Heart:       

           "OK. No problem. Now everything under the control"

           Doctor's words really relaxed me.Yes, you guessed right. I am in hospital, but not as a patient but as a waiter for Mr. 131.

           Usually I do alarms for important occasions, but not often like that of Mr.131. His alarms insists him to wake up, to take break fast, to remember the files, to be taken, to the things to be taken, to take the bike key from shelf, to take lunch and the list goes on. It keep silence only at the time of his sleep.

           Though he had enough alarms, he miss few things and mess up with many things. His intentions to be a perfect, let him to be a stressed one.

           This alarm buzz and related stress, grew him odd and complicated. He lost his smile, diet, sleep, health, utmost his regular life.

            On this dark day, his stress presented him with a cardiac arrest. Fortunately, the Visible Gods saved him after the ten horrible hours.

            I am not against plans, but to the stress on the plan. The seeds never rise in a single day.

            Lead a contented life and feel stress-free. Take a pledge with me and to make this world free from the stress and heart diseases.

            If you stressed then you will never able to guide with the words "Take the straight after the bend". And obviously it not let you to find a person to get the words "Take the straight after the bend".

Meet you next week
                                                                                                                                            PT- Parallel thinker

1 comment:

  1. Good write up.. Thanks for participating in this initiative...I wish you a Good luck..

    Do stop by Save a Heart - The Untold Story !

    Yours Frendly,
    Saravana Kumar M
