Ignoring isn't bliss:
He was dull and dark.At first, we - the bunch of receivers in the platform, unable to recognize our mischievous Mr.131.His last statement with a wicked smile, which is now three months old, still ringing in my ear drums.
"I am good in English and ready to face the world with it"
Later, in the room, the reason for his dullness revealed. His ignoring attitude and adamant mind, invited him a lot of troubles in the new city, where he went for his new job. He ignored to adapt himself in the new environment. His fixed unyielding thoughts abandoned him to the evil.
Not only Mr.131, most of us are ignorant to some essential things in our life. How many of us are having the habit of reading all sections of a newspaper? How many people know informations out of their work area? If you don't know about a rally in your area, you will reach your office by noon. If you are unaware of the nature of the food in a city, you will be messed up in the mess (food court).
Life is simple, but complex. Everything is linked over another. Don't ignore a thing, it may not be useful at that time, but very useful at another time. You will be able to guide someone Take the straight after the bend, only when you are aware of it. Without some knowledge about that place, you are unable to find the answer - "Take the straight after the bend".
PT- Parallel Thinker